Starting the 1st May: read my bible scriptures, 6:30 am 1 cup Oatmeal with raisins and 1 tsp honey. Lunch 1 cup tea with 1 tsp Condensed milk.
1:15 6 oz sliced Barracuda fish, steamed. sweet potato, pumpkin, cho-cho, carrot, cabbage, boiled with onion and garlic seasoned with, thyme, blk pepper oregano, cilantro. 2 TBS salsa casera over the food.
iced tea, water melon, water.
6:00pm 2 slices wheat bread with low fat ham, no mayo or marg. 1 cup hot blueberry tea, no caffine.
Well, I almost always eat skimpy, and I do feel well, if I may say so, although I did not walk this morning, I washed and hung out laundry 2, loads, bathe 'Chowder' washed down the front verandah, I know that counts for activity.
Sunday May 2nd, Walked 5:50 to 6:30 am home to Brodie's lot, I think a mile both ways. Crazy winds were blowing and the sun had already come up.
Read my bible verse, ate 1 banana, 1 cup oatmeal with 1 TBSP. Bwn Sugar and rasins, and cinnamon. 1 cup tea with 1 teasp. cond milk.
Now the sunday dinner, I will make no excuses for, 1:15pm, R and B with 1/2 cup salad, sliced tomato and cucumbers, chicken breast, and water, but a little later temtation hit, encouraged my Imani, I actually drank 6oz Coke, yes, me miss, won't touch that poison...
and later I'll have a bit more R and B, and sliced chicken breast, that is my Sunday routine, not greedy just enjoys a little Sunday evening dinner with water or blueberry tea.
My siblings came over, A and B and I and I they left early the boys had a play date, and it's so hot and sticky, that even 'Chowder came in the house to cool down! The temp is probably 95 in the shade, so you can imagine, and the wind is blowing, but hot air...Well this was my weekend how was yours ps. Spoke to Lyn, she was out biking, and miss K came to visit me yesterday evening, show-off, just so I could see her Halle Berry do, Rob no like that.. no way... Love to you all, stay healthy and be spiritual...don't be gluttonous...
Mother Elva